Purpose: To recognize outstanding WI teaching that helps achieve the mission of Writing to Learn and Learning to Write within the disciplines.
*This award is $500 as a funds transfer to the recipients E&E account or other specified departmental account.
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2023
Printable Call for Nominations
- Evidence of reaching and exceeding the WI Guidelines.
- Assignments that promote critical thinking, multiple interpretations, and meaningful learning.
- Evidence that the instruction delivers what it sets out to (student success within the writing requirements of the course).
- Demonstrates clear understanding of “writing to learn” and “learning to write” theories and practices.
- Writing as a process is supported through the instruction and assignment design.
- Nominated faculty, staff, or teaching assistants should be teaching or helping with a WI course during the academic year for which they are nominated.
- (For the Win Horner Award) Evidence of innovative WI course and assignment design and instruction.
- Open to all benefits-eligible Writing Intensive faculty, staff, and teaching assistants
- Nominees may re-apply if not previously awarded. Previous winners are not eligible for five years for the same award.
The Process:
Nominations are accepted from advisors, chairs, colleagues, teaching assistants, Campus Writing Board members, and students regarding exemplary WI instructors that represent the three sectors (Humanities & Arts, Education & Social Science, Natural & Applied Science). Self-nominations are also accepted, except in the case of teaching assistants, who must be nominated by a faculty member.
For outside nominations:
- Cover letter written by the nominator addressing how this nominee’s work fits the criteria. Limit: 2 pages
- Current WI syllabus and example of a writing assignment or description of work that supports WI instruction
- Just one of the following:
- Evaluations from the most recent semester of teaching a WI course
- Comments from students (ideally 3-5 student comments/letters about the writing assignments, the types of responses received, how they grew as writers, and what was learned through the writing experiences)
- Just one of the following:
- Teaching observation of the nominee completed by someone other than the nominator
- Statement of WI Teaching Philosophy from the Nominee
For self-nominations:
- Cover letter written addressing how their teaching and/or WI support fits the criteria. Limit: 2 pages
- Current WI syllabus and at least one writing assignment or explanation of work that supports WI
- Just one of the following:
- Evaluations from the most recent semester of teaching a WI course
- Comments from students (ideally 3-5 student comments/letters about the writing assignments, the types of responses received, how they grew as writers, and what was learned through the writing experiences)
- Just one of the following:
- Teaching observation (can be formative or summative)
- Letter of recommendation from a colleague
For Graduate TA nominations:
- Cover letter written by the faculty nominator addressing how the TA’s teaching, grading, and/or mentoring fits the criteria. Limit: 2 pages
- Current syllabus and at least one writing assignment and 1-2 TA graded essays.
- Just one of the following:
- Course evaluations that specifically ask about the TA’s contribution to the WI course
- Comments from students in the course (ideally 3-5 student comments/letters about the course, about the writing assignments, the types of responses received, how they grew as writers, and what was learned through the writing assignments)
- Just one of the following
- Teaching observation (either formative or summative) of the graduate student from either a WI or non-WI course completed by someone other than the nominator
- Letter of support from another faculty member who worked with this graduate student
Submission Instructions: Submit a nomination packet as a single PDF to Em Stagg at the Campus Writing Program: cwp@missouri.edu
Selection Committee:
- Representatives from the Campus Writing Board
- Writing Intensive instructors and tutors
- Campus Writing Program representatives
- Student representative