A Technological Invasion
Technology is a very important part of our lives as almost every person with a cell phone would probably say. We live in a world where we rely on technology so much that in a way it controls us. Authors like Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov could portray this concept in the 1940s and 50s…

Can You Hear Me Now?
Modern technology and media have changed how we communicate with one another as human beings. Where does our need for intimacy fit into this new communication formula? This essay analyzes how romantic relationships and digital intimacy function – particularly in the context long-distance and military relationships. It begs the question of how our connections have…

Retracing the Steps of British Abolitionists: A Digital Learning Approach to the History of the Atlantic Slave Trade
The transatlantic slave trade was the largest forced migration in history. It involved an intercontinental transfer of wealth, goods, and most importantly, millions of people over the course of four centuries. Great Britain was one of the chief participants in the traffic. According to estimates available through Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database (2013), Britain…

The Sweet Brown Narrative: Modern Internet Folklore
Although they are not traditional, new venues for folklore such as YouTube videos and Memes create platforms for communication among individuals on large and small scales across the United States. As a result, they facilitate the rise of ordinary individuals to stardom.

“They’re Making Us Look Bad”: The Problem with the “New” Harlem Shake
The Harlem Shake video trend began at the beginning of 2013 when YouTube user Filthy Frank uploaded a short video of himself and some friends gyrating to a dance track on January 30.

Classic Hollywood Cinema as Propaganda
Photography was the first use of pictorial proof as documentation of scientific analysis starting in the late 1800s. There was a sudden trust from viewers when they were presented with an image of presumed objective nature, emphasizing the ideology of “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Video Game Effects on Children
While all video games share many of the same fundamental functions, there are marked differences that help define the violent genre and insure its continually expanding prevalence in modern society.

The Evolution of Russian Media
As the structure of the Russian state continues to develop, the role that the press will play in such a state is also in flux.

When Emoticons rule the World Virtual Eyes will shimmer and wink Digital Lips will smile and curl Messages will not waver or blink

Facebook: Our Social Tool
Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life. It is the prominent slogan of Facebook.com, a social networking website which is now prevailing all around the world.