Changes to American, Korean, and Chinese Barbecue Over Centuries
I am Chinese, and my father is a great cook of Chinese barbecue. This winter break, he came to United States and cooked Chinese barbecue for my friends and me.
Twins in West African Culture and Society of the Iron Age
Twins had unique roles in many West African cultures in the Iron Age, a period in spanning from the first millennium to the 19th century. The Igbo speaking-people of southeast Nigeria, for example, feared the birth of twins.
Video Game Effects on Children
While all video games share many of the same fundamental functions, there are marked differences that help define the violent genre and insure its continually expanding prevalence in modern society.
A Power Figure’s Power over History
The “Nail Fetish” Power Figure (referred to as nkisi or nkonde), found in the Museum of Art and Archaeology at the University of Missouri, offers much insight into the Iron Age history of Central Africa.
Importance of Art in Our Life
This issue is distinguished by the papers’ diversity in tackling different topics in areas such as culture, food, science, cinema, music, and arts. These papers highlight different topics that suit almost all audience trends and desires.
Oral Health Poster
Chemistry Professor Embraces the Science of Writing
Rainer Glaser sits at a table in his office hunched over a picture frame. He stares at the frame, contemplating the two large words enclosed by the shiny glass and sturdy wood: Docendo Discimus. “By teaching, we learn,” Glaser says, translating the Latin phrase. “It was said by the Roman Seneca and I think this is…
Syllabus Tips
In preparing your syllabus for the semester, we offer the following as information that would be good to include and (even better) to discuss with your students. Feel free to take, use, and adapt. Student Learning Goals: Through this Writing Intensive (WI) course, students will think more critically as they use writing as a tool…
Call For Proposals – Writing Intensive Faculty Development Award
Call for Proposals for Writing Intensive Faculty Development Award The Campus Writing Board encourages faculty and departments to submit proposals to fund Writing Intensive-related special projects or initiatives such as new pilot WI courses and curriculum development and instruction which do not currently receive WI funding support or receive inadequate support to attempt new course…
Hook, Line, & Sinker Published!
Hook, Line, and Sinker: A Collection of Fish Tales from Missouri Anglers, has been published! It's so exciting to see Dr. Mark Morgan's Faculty Development Award published in full! See the original story behind Hook, Line, and Sinker at Mizzou Wire's "Fish Story." Order Hook, Line, and Sinker: A Collection of Fish Tales from Missouri Anglers from the MU Bookstore just in time…