Christy Goldsmith, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Conley House, Room 107
Phone: 573-884-6221
Email: goldsmithc@missouri.edu
Areas Of Expertise
- Writerly Identities
- Disciplinary Literacy
- Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education
- Narrative Inquiry
Dr. Christy Goldsmith is the Associate Director of the Campus Writing Program and an Assistant Teaching Professor of English Education at the University of Missouri. She was the former president of the Missouri Council of Teachers of English (MoCTE) and is a teacher-consultant in the Missouri Writing Projects Network (MWPN) where she frequently interacts with stakeholders at the state department of education and in Missouri public schools. These roles combined with Christy’s eight years of high school English teaching experience provide her opportunities to work closely with practicing teachers seeking to improve their literacy instruction in both secondary and postsecondary settings. As the emphasis area coordinator for the English Education undergraduate degree program at Mizzou, Christy teaches courses and mentors other instructors in methods of teaching literature, writing, and media literacy. Further, through her inquiry into teachers’ identities as writers and as teachers-of-writing, Christy’s research explores the tensions inherent in teaching writing and disciplinary literacy, including professional development design at the secondary and post-secondary levels.
Department of Learning, Teaching & Curriculum
Frequently Taught Courses
LTC 4490: Teaching English Language Arts III: Media Literacy
LTC 4560–Reading and Writing in the Content Areas I
LTC 4565–Reading and Writing in the Content Areas II
Grad 9040: Academic and Professional Writing for Graduate Students
Selected Recent Publications
Goldsmith, C. (2020). Making connections between theory and practice: Pre-service educator disciplinary literacy courses as secondary WAC initiation.