Julie Birt, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
Conley House, Room 109
Phone: 573-882-1797
Email: birtja@missouri.edu
- Rural Instructional Contexts
- GenAI use in Writing Courses
- Instructors’ Beliefs and Practices
- Case Study Methods
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- College Science Teaching
- Science Education
Julie Birt is the Assistant Director at the Campus Writing Program at the University of Missouri. Julie’s research follows her interests in helping post-secondary instructors use writing in their college classrooms to reach all students, most specifically, those with a rural background. Outside of her regular research, Julie enjoys working directly with students to help improve their writing and communication skills in science courses.
Prior to joining the Campus Writing Program, Julie taught many various courses in biological and animal sciences in both the face-to-face and online classroom. She earned her PhD in Science education with an emphasis on college science teaching from the University of Missouri. She also received a certificate in online college teaching, AI Explorer Badge from Teaching with AI in the SEC, and ACUE Certificate in Effective Online Teaching Practices.
Frequently Taught Courses
ANSCI 2111W – Societal Issues in Animal Science
INTDSC 4972 – Writing Intensive Capstone
Selected Recent Publications
Birt, J., & Goldsmith, C. (2023) Accessing critical reflection to promote inclusivity in writing intensive courses. Celebration and Critiquing WAC at 50, 103-114. https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/iwac2020/chapter7.pdf
Goldsmith, C., & Birt, J. (2023) Embracing complexity: Contradictions between perception and application of counterargument in writing intensive assignments. Presentation at the International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Clemson, SC.
Khajeloo, M., Birt, J. A., Kenderes, E. M., Siegel, M. A., Nguyen, H., Ngo, L. T., … & Cummings, K. (2021). Challenges and Accomplishments of Practicing Formative Assessment: A Case Study of College Biology Instructors’ Classrooms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-18.
Birt, J. A., & Siegel, M. A. (2020). Reaching Rural Students: CARE Principles to Promote Student Engagement in College Biology Courses. The American Biology Teacher, 82(1), 11-17. DOI: 10.1525/abt.2020.82.1.11
Birt, J.A. (2018). Because they CARE: Rural community college instructors’ beliefs and practices. (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database.
Birt, J. A., Siegel, M. (2018, November). An instructor’s duty to foster science literacy skill development: Rural community college science instruction and practice. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Biology Teachers in San Diego, CA.
Birt, J. A.*, Khajeloo*, M., Rega‐Brodsky*, C. C., Siegel,* M. A., Hancock, T. S., Cummings, K., & Nguyen, P. D. (2019). Fostering agency to overcome barriers in college science teaching: Going against the grain to enact reform‐based ideas. Science education, 103(4), 770-798. (*indicates equal first authorship)