Writing Intensive Course Waivers for Students

Students may apply to waive a Writing Intensive course requirement with a Course Substitution Waiver or a Hardship Waiver.

Waivers, in general are rare, and granted only when the student has a compelling reason due to a hardship or for requesting that the WI requirement be met by a course not officially designated as WI.  Below are the requirement and submission instructions for each type of WI course waiver request.

Hardship Waiver

This waiver should only be considered when a student can demonstrate extreme hardship in completing a WI course requirement.

Course Substitution Waiver

This waiver should be considered when a student has a compelling reason for requesting that a WI requirement be met by a non-WI course.


Preview the submission form HERE.

Complete the submission form HERE.

Please note:  The Dean (or designee) of the respective College and the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Studies approve all course waivers. The Campus Writing Program will review the waiver submission and recommend further action to the Dean. There is no further direct right of appeal beyond this process. At their discretion, Deans may grant further review according to guidelines established by their office. Your academic advisor will be required to approve the submission before it is forwarded to the Campus Writing Program for review.  We recommend you discuss your submission with your advisor before proceeding with the submission requirements below. 

If you have questions or problems with the submission form, contact the Campus Writing Program.