The Campus Writing Program at the University of Missouri is pleased to offer a Writing Intensive Certificate for MU degree-seeking students who meet the requirements listed below. This certificate will acknowledge students who take more than the required number of WI courses, and it will allow students to add credentials to support their future employment or graduate school applications. Students who complete the WI Certificate will have demonstrated that they can use writing to learn complex and technical content while also crafting discipline-specific arguments through writing. If you want to grow your writing skills and earn credentials useful to employers and graduate work, apply below.
- The WI Certificate requires MU degree-seeking students to complete 6 additional WI credit hours beyond degree requirements. The list of current WI courses are listed on MyZou and the Campus Writing Program Course List.
- These additional WI courses must represent at least 2 different academic departments and be MU-authored.
- Students must complete the WI Capstone course (INTDSC 4972), an 8 week online course designed for students to reflect and build upon their WI course experiences.
- Student must earn a grade of C- or higher in each WI course and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for coursework counting toward the certificate.
How to Apply:

Declare a minor or certificate by submitting a form online at the following link: Declaring a Certificate. Log in using your MU pawprint and password. Once submitted, your declaration will be processed by the division and you will be notified by email when it is approved.
How to Check Your WI Certificate Progress:
To see if you meet the requirements, view your degree audit here (or go to https://registrar.missouri.edu/degree-audits/) and follow the
instructions below:
- Scroll down to the section that says Requesting a Degree Audit. Under the Students section, and there is a click here, click on it.
- Input your pawprint and password into the login fields and login
- Click Select a Different Program
- In the Academic Unit field, use the drop-down menu and select Arts & Sci
- In the Program field, use the drop-down and select Writing Intensive (Certificate)
- In the Student Catalog Year field, use the drop-down and select your first semester at the University of Missouri **
- If you are a transfer student, be sure to select your first semester on campus
- If you started college FS2020 or prior to FS2020, select FS2020. If you started college after FS2020, select your first term at MU.
- Click Run Different Program and wait for the system to process your audit
- Messages on Your Audit:
- If you meet all requirements, your audit should state: ALL REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED BELOW HAVE BEEN MET
- If you have met all requirements including in progress courses: ALL REQUIREMENTS COMPLETED –IN PROGRESS COURSES USED
- If all requirements have not yet been completed: AT LEAST ONE REQUIREMENT HAS NOT BEEN SATISFIED
****If you started college Fall Semester 2020 or prior to FS2020, select FS2020. If you started college after FS2020, select your first term at MU.
WI Capstone Course Objectives
By building a portfolio of WI experiences, students will reflect on their writing assignments and activities from all WI courses they have completed (or are currently enrolled in).
- Students will articulate how the writing assignments and activities helped them learn the content of those courses.
- Students will discern what they learned about writing in the discipline to identify the following:
- strengths they have developed as writers,
- areas for improvement based on their writing experiences,
- targeted goals for future writing endeavors.

Contact Campus Writing Program by emailing: cwp@missouri.edu
Flyer for distribution.