Writing Intensive Project Awards

Call for Proposals

The mission of the Campus Writing Program (CWP) is to invest in teaching with writing for learning across the curriculum. To contribute to this mission, CWP is requesting proposals for funding Writing Intensive (WI) related projects.

Award Overview

All projects aligned with CWP’s mission, connected to WI courses, and fostering students’ ability to make meaning when learning will be considered.

An eligible project may consist of, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Creating a new WI course (especially encouraged at the 1000 and 2000 levels), or redesigning a WI course for a different modality.
  • Working to maintain optimum teacher-to-student ratio in WI courses that require GTAs with special skills, such as foreign language fluency.
  • Initiating WI-related programs, seminars, or workshops that help promote critical thinking and meaningful learning (ex: designing and facilitating professional development events that emphasize writing as a process).
  • Undertaking research around the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in WI classes.

Proposals are reviewed when received
and decisions made based on available funds.

Notification of awards will happen on a rolling basis.
Printable Call for Proposals

View examples of previously funded proposals on our website.  

Award and Proposal Specifications

  • Funding amounts available range from $500 to $3000.
  • If the project involves research, appropriate permissions from the University of Missouri’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) must be obtained before the research begins.
  • As the selection committee is composed of faculty across the disciplines, please write without excessive jargon and in a style that is clear to a diverse group of reviewers.
  • Unless otherwise agreed upon, projects will be completed within a calendar year from the date of the award. It is expected that results from these projects are presented to the Campus Writing Board and/or other group on campus or at a conference.

Submit proposal as a single PDF file by email to Carla Gallegos, Project Manager, Campus Writing Program: carla.gallegos@missouri.edu 

Deadline for submissions: Dec. 20, 2024Notification of awards: Jan. 2025

Proposal Review Process:

  • Initial Review – Campus Writing Program Staff will review and contact faculty with any requests for additional information.
  • Final Review – Campus Writing Board members will review proposals and make determination of awards.
  • Notification of Award – Campus Writing Program staff will notify awardees and make arrangements for transfer of funds.

Writing Intensive Project Awards Proposal Form

Please follow the format below and submit a PDF of no more than 3 pages.

Cover Page

  • Title of project and amount requested
  • Contact information for faculty member
  • Contact information for department chair and fiscal officer

Purpose, Strategies, and Budget (1-2 pages)

  • State the project’s purpose, including how it connects to the Writing Intensive guidelines. Projects which develop students’ abilities to reason critically, solve complex problems, and/or communicate in discipline-specific ways will be given priority.
  • Include a list of strategies—including a specific timeline—for carrying out the project.
  • Provide a budget with an itemized list of project costs and a brief rationale for each expenditure.
  • Include outcome(s) that will benefit students, the department, and/or the university.

Types of expenses may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Compensation: In the proposal explain any compensation plan as determined with department chair input for what is allowed for the applicant’s position. For example, compensation may include a portion of summer salary or a transfer to an E&E account.
  • Undergraduate and/or graduate student support
  • Technology expenses
  • Materials and resources

Past Writing Intensive Project Award Winners