The following projects were proposed by MU faculty and voted on by the Campus Writing Board to be funded. If you would like additional information about any of these projects please contact Christy Goldsmith at
Caroline Brock, Sociology, “Things will never be the same: Lessons learned from pivoting writing intensive classes online and back again”
Jamille Palacios, Applied Social Sciences, “Offerings & Enrollment in Writing Intensive Courses at Mizzou”
Damon Hall, School of Natural Resources, “Writing to Learn Systems Thinking: Converting Sustainability Science Problem Solving to Writing Intensive”
Caroline Brock, Rural Sociology and Ninive Sanchez, Social Work, “Instructor Perspectives on Incorporating Diversity and Inclusion in Writing Intensive Courses at Mizzou”
Rachel Harper/Aaron Harms, Learning Center, “Writing Center Online Scheduling Platform”
Martha Kelly, German and Russian Studies, “Course Assessment Support for Russian 2320W to Assess Critical Literacy Strategies and Outcomes”
Martha Kelly, German and Russian Studies, “Interacting with the Experts: Skype Lectures in a Flipped Writing Intensive Course”
Michael Marlo, English, “Grammar Boot Camp: A summer Research and Writing Experience in Linguistics”
Flore Zephir, Romance Languages, “Using Graduate Instructors to Keeper Teacher/Student Ratio 20:1”
Ann Bettencourt, Psychology, “The Science of Intergroup Relations WI Course”
Daniel Domingues, History, “How to change the world: Lessons from the abolition of the Atlantic Slave Trade”
Joanna Hearne, Digital Storytelling, “Audio Storytelling”
Martha Kelly, German/Russian Studies, “Revise Russian 2320 WI Course by Integrating Pedagogies of Social Justice”
Soren Larsen, Geography, “A Writing Pathway for Campus and Community”
Mark Morgan, Parks, Tourism and Recreation, “Ozark Outdoors: A collection of Hunting and Fishing Folklore”
Peter Motavalli, Soil, Environmental and Atmospheric Science, “Innovative Media for Promoting Effective Undergraduate Science Writing”
Ninive Sanchez, Social Work, “Student Perceptions of Metacognitive Planning and Self Monitoring”
Flore Zephir, Romance Languages, “Using Graduate Instructors to Keeper Teacher/Student Ratio 20:1”
Carla Allen, Clinical & Diagnostic Sciences, “Integrating Guided Inquiry Into Problem Based Learning”
Gene Barabtarlo, German & Russian Studies, “Soviet and East European Cinema: Russian/Film Studies 2865 as WI”
Tony Barbis, Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum, “Human Relations in Organizations as WI”
Caroline Brock, Rural Sociology, “Maintaining an Optimum Teaching-to-Student Ratio While Exploring What Makes for a Successful Writing Intensive Class on Minority Groups”
Enos Inniss, Civil Engineering, “Template for a Distributed Writing Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering”
Clarence Lo, Sociology, “New WI Course on Information Technology, Security, and Civil Liberties”
Flore Zephir, Romance Languages, “Using Graduate Instructors to Keeper Teacher/Student Ratio 20:1”
Flore Zephir, Romance Languages, “Support for Romance Languages, Smaller Courses for Graders”
Joan Hermsen, Sociology, “Sociology 2950 Social Research”
Sheila Baker, Chemical Engineering, “Scientific Writing Workshops”
Ann Bettencourt, Psychological Sciences, “The Science of Mindfulness”
Vicki Carstens and Michael Marlo, English, “Scientific Writing and Fieldwork Methodology in Linguistics”
Anne Stanton, Art History and Archaeology, “In Their Own Words: Art in its Contexts”
Marty Townsend, English, “The Letter as Genre”
Louise Miller, Bob Bauer, and Tim Safranski, Nursing, Geology, and Animal Sciences, “Mentoring New WI Faculty”
Flore Zephir, Romance Languages, “Support for Romance Languages, Smaller Courses for Graders”
Mark Morgan, Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, “Hook, Line, and Sinker: A Collection of Fish Tales by Missouri Anglers”
Justin Dyer, Political Science, “American Constitution”
Louise Miller, Nursing, “Evaluating Nursing Students’ Writing Self-Efficacy:Effects of a Writing Intensive Intervention”
Jennifer Clifton, Education, “Developing Public Literacies”
Chris Boessen, Agricultural Economics, “Class Alumni Follow-up: Agricultural Economics 3224 ‘New Products Marketing'”
Miriam Golomb, Biological Sciences, “Developing an Online Writing Intensive Course in Biological Sciences: Comparison of Online and Classroom Strategies”
Cynthia Reeser, Human Development and Family Services, “Assessing the Effectiveness of Writing Interventions across a Multi-Disciplinary Study Population”
Rainer Glaser, Chemistry, “Scientific Writing and Peer Review in Chemistry – An Assignment-Based Introduction”
Donna Strickland, English, “Mindful Writing for Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants”