Win Horner Award For Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching

The Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching recognizes faculty who are starting out with a new WI course or taking a new direction with their WI teaching.  Because Dr. Horner was a pioneer in Writing Program work, and in the formation of the Campus Writing Program, this award is a recognition of faculty who demonstrate that same spirit of pioneering in their teaching of Writing Intensive courses.  This may include a new, innovative WI course, or a new strategy and approach within an existing WI course.

The Campus Writing Board Awards Task Force will accept nominations starting in January 2013.   Nominations may be from faculty (self-nominations), from Campus Writing Board members, and from others, such as department chairs.  The Awards Task Force will review the award nominations.  The first award will be given in April 2013 at the CWP Awards Ceremony.


  • Be a teacher of Writing Intensive courses
  • Have a New WI course approved during the academic year of the award
  • OR have a new strategy, approach, research project, or assignment for an existing WI course
  • Have a recognized innovative, pioneering idea that furthers the teaching with writing at Mizzou

Award Amount = $1000

Email nominations to Amy Lannin, Director of Campus Writing Program.