Syllabus Tips

In preparing your syllabus for the semester, we offer the following as information that would be good to include and (even better) to discuss with your students.  Feel free to take, use, and adapt.

Student Learning Goals:  Through this Writing Intensive (WI) course, students will think more critically as they use writing as a tool for learning and learn about writing in this particular discipline.


Student Learning Objectives:

Students successfully completing the WI course will be able to [fill in as is appropriate for your course objectives]:

  • Pose worthwhile questions by…
  • Evaluate and know types of arguments by…
  • Give feedback and know how to use feedback on pieces of writing through…
  • Distinguish among fact, inference and opinion by…
  • Articulate complex ideas clearly by…
  • Deal with problems that have no simple solutions by…
  • Consider purpose and audience by…
  • Understand ways of communicating effectively in the given discipline as shown through…

Remember – we are here to help with your writing assignments, assessments, strategies, and syllabi.


We wish you a wonderful semester!

Your Campus Writing Program