Writing Center Launches NEW Online Writery

The Writing Center has launched a NEW Online Writery named, TONY, for spring 2018.  On the new site you will find a one-stop shop for all things Writing Center related.  Students can submit drafts, schedule and cancel appointments, and review all prior tutoring interactions with the Writing Center.

From Aaron Harms, Director of the Writing Center:  This update for TONY has been a long time coming, and the Writing Center is very appreciative of the Campus Writing Program’s investment in further connecting Writing Intensive students to our WI tutoring support services. Now, after a six-year hiatus from online scheduling, our students are once again able to schedule appointments with a tutor from nearly anywhere, receive automated reminders and evaluations about their appointments, and manage their connection to the Writing Center quickly and easily. The new update also provides robust scheduling, data collection, and record-keeping capabilities for our staff.

The Writing Center thanks our ongoing collaborators, the Application Development Network at the Division of IT for their stellar programming and design work, as well as the Campus Writing Program for their support during the redevelopment the Online Scheduling Platform. This final update wouldn’t have been possible without the Campus Writing Program’s Writing Intensive Project Award. The Writing Center and TONY look forward to this next phase in supporting students’ writing at MU.