Checklist of Required WI Course Elements

Quantity: Writing for the entire course totals at least 20 pages (6600 words) which can
include multiple iterations of the same assignment or a variety of forms, modes, genres,
and/or audiences as appropriate for the discipline.

Revision: Each course includes multiple assignments that are complex enough to require
substantive revisions for most students. There are at least 8 pages (2600 words) involved in
the revision process. These 8 pages can be included in the 20 page course total.

Distribution: Writing Intensive courses must have written assignments distributed
throughout the semester with students receiving timely feedback on components/drafts to
support their revision.

Assessment: Writing accounts for at least 50% of the total course grade or requirements. In
exceptional cases, the Board will accept a course with writing comprising less than 50%
(but no less than 30%) of the total course grade with justification from the instructor.

Graders: In classes employing graduate teaching assistants or peer learning assistants,
instructors must explain how they will supervise or mentor other teaching staff.

WI workshop attendance: Instructors and teaching assistants are required to attend the
Writing Intensive Faculty and/or TA workshops, if not before teaching then within one
calendar year of being assigned to teach a WI course. If the Faculty Workshop is not
feasible, faculty members can seek an alternative path to WI certification through a
professional development plan coordinated with the Campus Writing Program staff. Every
five years, WI instructors are required to attend a refresher workshop, monthly seminar,
study group, or CWP approved alternative.

Update and approved by the Campus Writing Board 12-8-23