Meating Expectations: Challenges of Meat Production and a Growing Population
As the human population grows, the task of producing enough food for everyone becomes increasingly difficult; by 2050 we will need to produce enough food for 2 million more people. To meet current food demands, an industrialized agricultural system has been created including concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Concentrated animal feeding operations make it possible…

Old Habits Out and New Habits In: The New Way to Waste Food
Throughout my life I have had my fair share of wasteful habits. I have thrown food out because I thought it looked funky, to simply being too full and not wanting to eat another bite. In the moment, I never stop to think about the impact it may have on the world. However, try to…

Precision Agriculture: Feeding the Future
Agriculture has faced its fair share of adversity. In the 1930’s and 40’s, it was the dust bowl. The 1980’s Farm Crisis was a byproduct of overproduction, poor investments, and bad decisions made during the boom years of the late 1970’s. As a result, farmers were pushed to the brink of bankruptcy and many lost…

Insects: It’s what’s for Dinner?
Christine Carson is a senior in Environmental Science with an emphasis in Soil Resource Management at the University of Missouri. Upon graduation in May of 2015, she plans to attend Kansas State University, where she will study soil microbiology in restored prairies. Motivation for her academic interests and this article stem from Christine's vested interests…

Eating Otherness: The Unifying Qualities of Chocolate in Lasse Hallström’s Chocolat
Paige Lockard is originally from Kansas City and attended Lee's Summit North High School. Now, she is majoring in both English literature and psychology, as well as studying French and business for minor degrees. Next year, she will be working on Honors Capstones in both of her major areas of study. She will graduate in…

Leather Yoghurt: Suspicion of Exotic Food and the Chinese Government’s Crisis of Faith
Yoghurt is a popular exotic food in China, especially among young Chinese girls who want to lose weight because they think yoghurt is healthy and contains relatively low calories.

Effects of McDonalds on Younger Chinese Generation’s Lives
In 1990, when McDonalds was first introduced to China, fast food restaurants from western countries were not widely accepted in China. In fact, many Chinese had never heard about the typical menu such as French fries and hamburgers that were offered in fast food restaurants.

Who Will Build the Better Ape?
We are trapped within what I call the Better Ape Fallacy Loop, in which like Frankowski's theoretical gorillas we continually enhance the traits that we consider to be most beneficial to our survival while ignoring the historical and scientific precedent stating that we simply do not know what will drive our further evolution.