Issue Brief – Alcohol Impaired Drivers
A review of current data on alcohol related auto accidents and recommendations for new policies.

Our Home Away From Home: Putting a Stop to College Campus Violence
Many factors such as gender roles, alcohol use and societal norms lead to violence on Mizzou’s campus. These crimes cause not only physical, but also emotional and mental damage to victims, and students are beginning to protest.

Reblogging: The Crocodile’s Bite – Russia’s “Meth Problem” And Drug Reform – Explicit
A gritty report on drug abuse in Russia.

Dove Chocolate: A Love Story
Ads can really only play off the ideas and emotions that are already present in the minds of the audience, even if they are just the seeds of a thought. It is also important to note that most of the effects of advertising are very subconscious—it inspires a thought, an impression seated deep within.