Artifacts Journal, Page 2

“Neither of woman nor of man”: Gender, Drag, and Theatrical Costume in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette

Though these women approach the stage with different levels of experience and different costumes, their performances both raise significant questions about the relationship between theatrical costume, gender performance, and identity within the novel, which like many other nineteenth-century works addresses the complexity and stability of identity and closely links identity and gender performance. I

The role of marital relationship quality on different domains of sibling conflict

The results suggest that marital positivity has a greater impact on IP sibling conflict intensity than all other types of sibling conflict, but that this differs by parent and direction. This information could aid parents and family practitioners to understand how the family sub-systems impact one another, for better or for worse.

Challenging Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Exploring Perspectives of Latino Migrant Adolescents in U.S. Agriculture

The foundational motivations of physiological and safety needs remain pertinent to the Latino farmworker adolescent population. We suggest a revision of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to account for cultural differences and family upbringings that can be inclusive of ethnic minority adolescents.

Development of automated sensors to track pH changes elicited by iron deficiency in hydroponic cultures

We developed an automated pH tracking system to monitor pH changes in hydroponic systems. As a proof of concept, we tracked the acidification of media on maize plants grown over a week with and without Fe.

All Mixed Up: Multiracial Identity & Existential Isolation

With a growing population of this marginalized group, it is important for research to foster understanding of the challenges multiracials may face as a result of their unique experiences by understanding the mechanisms underlying “otherness” can we create tools to navigate obstacles and improve their well-being.

Relationships among Degradation-Related Biomarkers released by Subchondral bone from Osteoarthritic Knees

This study was designed to characterize non-linear relationships among degradation-related biomarkers produced by subchondral bone recovered from patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Atrazine: An Issue Needing Action

In Northeastern Missouri, the Mark Twain Lake Watershed covers 2,318 square miles (United States, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis Environmental Water Quality Section - Water Quality). This watershed, shown in Figure 1, provides drinking water, water for crops and livestock, fishing, beaches, and water for boating and canoeing (Missouri Department of Natural Resources).…

Letter from the Editors

Dear Readers, Welcome to this 2019-2020 special edition of Artifacts! Throughout the academic year, the Campus Writing Program, the Department of English Composition Program, and the Writing Center support and celebrate MU’s students

Literacy’s Effect on Black Women: A Personal Narrative

Janie’s narrative in Their Eyes Were Watching God exemplified this for me. It allowed me to parallel myself with Janie, to compare my experience as a Black woman with hers, and embolden me to find my own truth and seek fulfillment within my life.

Beef Cattle Fertility

The objective of this study was to determine factors of sperm structure that influence fertility within bulls. We hypothesized that as the mitochondrial sheath on the tail lengthens, the increased energy production of the sperm cell would impact bull fertility. In the results of this study, we found a positive correlation between the mitochondrial sheath length and the fertility rates of bulls, indicating that mitochondrial sheath structure influences fertility.