News, Page 7

“A Case Study of University Honors Students in Humanities Through a Disciplinary Literacy Lens”

Jonathan Cisco, Assistant Director of the Campus Writing Program, recently had his article, "A Case Study of University Honors Students in Humanities Through a Disciplinary Literacy Lens" published in the Literacy Research and Instruction.

Over 50% of Kemper Awardees are dedicated Writing-Intensive (WI) Instructors!

Now, you can read the teaching philosophies and pedagogies of Kemper Awardees in the recently published, The Pursuit of Teaching Excellence: Lessons from the University of Missouri.

Civil department, Campus Writing Program team up to improve communication skills

Strong communication skills might not be the first thing people think of when discussing key components of an engineering education. But the ability to comprehensibly communicate ideas and to propose solutions is an essential engineering skill. A pair of University of Missouri civil engineering faculty members and the Campus Writing Program teamed up to make sure engineering students have what it takes.

Biological Sciences Professor Earns Win Horner Award

Biological Sciences Professor Miriam Golomb sees Writing Intensive (WI) courses as a chance for students to re-examine concepts with a deeper understanding.

WI Class Challenges Students to Collaborate

For Joan Hermsen, teaching a Writing Intensive (WI) class is a collaborative learning process that enhances course content and cultivates an invaluable skill set. Hermsen, department chair for Women and Gender Studies, changed her class Social Research 2950 to a Writing Intensive course last year because she wanted writing products to be the primary assessment.…

New WI Course Guidelines for Group Work

Many excellent Writing Intensive (WI) courses feature group work assignments. These guidelines are intended to clarify questions that arise when group work is included in the WI proposal. As with all WI courses, these guidelines are intended to be flexible. Alternative means to the same end will certainly be considered. CWP staff are happy to…

CWP Course Proposal and Registration System Restored

Service has been restored to the CWP Course Proposal and Registration System. Thank you for your patience.

CWP Course Proposal and Registration System Outage

The Campus Writing Program Event Registration System and Course Proposal System has been experiencing an outage since 5/27/15.  We are working to find a solution and hope to have the system restored as soon as possible.  Please email Jackie Thomas at for Event questions or information about registering for an event.  Please email Jonathan Cisco at or…

Rewriting the Book on Letter Writing

While visiting New Haven, Connecticut, English professor Marty Townsend read a column in The New York Times titled “The Death of Letter Writing.” It got her thinking about how she could bring that conversation to students. “By the time I was flying home, I was making notes like crazy, with the course in mind,” Townsend says. She submitted a…

Teaching The Literature Review

Campus Writing Program Coordinator, Jonathan Cisco, recently had an article published in the ISSOTL Journal: Teaching and Learning Inquiry.  The article is available on JSTOR.