Win Horner Award For Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching
The Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching recognizes faculty who are starting out with a new WI course or taking a new direction with their WI teaching. Because Dr. Horner was a pioneer in Writing Program work, and in the formation of the Campus Writing Program, this award is a recognition of faculty who demonstrate that same spirit…

New WI Course for Spring 2013: Social Aspects of Fishing
Need a Writing Intensive Class For Spring? Social Aspects of Fishing Taught by Dr. Mark Morgan, Parks, Recreation & Tourism & Jennah Sontag, M.S., School of Journalism A team of undergraduate writers are needed to organize and edit a collection of fishing stories by Missouri anglers—culminating in the publication of a book. Funded by the…

Welcome To Spring Semester 2012
Welcome Back MU Faculty and Students! The staff at the Campus Writing Program kicked off the semester by holding several events in January before classes even started! Thank you to everyone who came back to campus early to participate in one or more of these events. We held a 2-Day Writing Retreat on January 5th…