Welcome To Spring Semester 2012

Welcome Back MU Faculty and Students!

The staff at the Campus Writing Program kicked off the semester by holding several events in January before classes even started! Thank you to everyone who came back to campus early to participate in one or more of these events.

We held a 2-Day Writing Retreat on January 5th and 6th, 2-Day Faculty Workshop on January 9th and 10th, a departmental TA workshop on January 12th and our regularly held semester TA Workshop on January 13th.

The photos below are from the departmental TA Workshop we held with Professor Cynthia Reeser and the T.A.’s for Human Development & Family Studies 2400.

We hope you will join us for one of our Upcoming Events this semester.

For more information about Campus Writing Program Events or other services we offer to MU Faculty please email Jackie Thomas at thomasjm@missouri.edu.