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Essay Contest Winners!

The winners of our essay contest (sponsored by Mizzou Advantage) imagine new approaches to the ways we produce and consume food.

A Close Reading of Jarmusch’’s Coffee and Cigarettes

Released in 2003, Jarmusch'’s Coffee and Cigarettes is a compilation of 11 vignettes that follow the conversations between two to three people as they discuss a variety of mostly insignificant subjects.

The Taiwan (Architectural) Miracle

In modern times, the ever-growing world population has caused the boom of giant cities with limited space, along with the rise of amazing places that are built to round in tourists. The allure to build and have the tallest building known to the world in one’s country satisfies many needs of a blossoming city. The recent few record buildings have primarily been in Asia, and all have in some way influenced the other.

Fantastic Conflict in “The Raven”

The raven serves as the representation of the unreal because it is nothing more than an anthropomorphized version of the narrator’s subconscious despair. In this way, the poem consists of a pseudo-dialogue between the narrator and his own psychological echo.

WWII Propaganda: The Influence of Racism

Images created in times of war reveal the tensions and fears ignited by the conflicts between nations. Close analysis shows that the attached World War II propaganda poster is one such image. This 1942 poster, titled This is the Enemy, circulated in the United States following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Its purpose was to embody the entire Japanese nation as a ruthless and animalistic enemy that needed to be defeated.

If You Give Your Love Some Chemo…

My boyfriend has cancer. With cancer you can never say, “had”, because even after you complete your treatment and your scans come up clear, you never really get to be called “cured”. After that diagnosis the best you can ever hope for is “cancer-free” and I suppose that’s accurate, because after having cancer your life and the lives of those around you are never the same.

Nature’’s Voice: A Review of Environmental Literature

I started this essay with the intention of crafting a new chapter, a 21st century update, to Rachel Carson’'s Silent Spring. What I soon found was that this task is fundamentally impossible. There can’t be another Silent Spring because it isn’t 1962 anymore. The context has changed. This train of thought brought me the realization that the environment of a writer is inherent in his work.

In the Water, Everyone is Equal

The conflict has been raging for over half a century. Israel and Palestine are like two brothers; brothers that are sprung out of the same core and host religions and nations that share the same origins. But in spite of these commonalities, the dispute is still ongoing, with no promise of a near-end resolve.


When Emoticons rule the World Virtual Eyes will shimmer and wink Digital Lips will smile and curl Messages will not waver or blink

Charlotte and Elizabeth: Guardians of the Female Mind in Pride and Prejudice

In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s depiction of womanhood is both varied and expansive. A woman can be gentle in spirit, incapable of finding ill in others. Daughters can be impossibly “silly” in their romantic endeavors. Wives are sometimes obnoxious, meddling fools with easily disturbed nerves. Even women linked by their intelligence, such as Charlotte and Elizabeth, differ in terms of practicality and adherence to social norms.