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Artifacts Summer 2021 Edition Call For Submissions

The Artifacts Journal for Undergraduate Writing is accepting submissions for the Summer 2021 edition.  Media compositions that may include video, audio, podcasts, photos as well as the traditional essay are encouraged.      

A message from CWP Director, Dr. Amy Lannin

We are days away from the end of 2020. What a year it has been.  When we look for the good parts of this year, one highlight is the commitment shown to support student learning.  Teaching with writing is difficult, and we are encouraged to know that many of you were able to effectively move…

Remembering Dr. Michael J. Budds, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Musicology

The Campus Writing Program is saddened to hear of Dr. Michael Budds’ passing on November 19, 2020. Dr. Budds was a long-time WI instructor and supporter. He served multiple terms on the Campus Writing Board, beginning in 2000, and he was awarded the Writing Intensive Excellence Award in 2017. His colleague and fellow WI instructor,…

(Book Review) Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone by Thomas J. Tobin and Kirsten T. Behling

With the recent move to online learning, Tobin and Behling’s Universal Design for Learning (UDL) book is timely advice and evidence-based strategies on how we can all adopt a “plus-one” teaching approach so all students can find success in our courses. To contradict the inaccessible and unmotivating “filing-cabinet approach—just storing materials, handouts, lecture notes and the dreaded narrated PowerPoint slides” (p. 84)—often used…

(Book Review) Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto by Kevin Gannon

In his trademark authentic style, Kevin Gannon’s Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto is half treatise and half pedagogical guide. The early chapters slowly build up to a crescendo in Chapter 8 titled “Pedagogy is Not a Weapon,” and throughout the text, Gannon urges us to do away with the performativity so prevalent in academia, encouraging us to…

A message from Dr. Jim Spain, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies and e-Learning


Writing Intensive Certificate

The Campus Writing Program and the Campus Writing Board are pleased to announce that the Writing Intensive Certificate is now available to students beginning Fall 2020 semester.

Letter from the Editors

Dear Readers, Welcome to this 2019-2020 special edition of Artifacts! Throughout the academic year, the Campus Writing Program, the Department of English Composition Program, and the Writing Center support and celebrate MU’s students

Literacy’s Effect on Black Women: A Personal Narrative

Janie’s narrative in Their Eyes Were Watching God exemplified this for me. It allowed me to parallel myself with Janie, to compare my experience as a Black woman with hers, and embolden me to find my own truth and seek fulfillment within my life.

Beef Cattle Fertility

The objective of this study was to determine factors of sperm structure that influence fertility within bulls. We hypothesized that as the mitochondrial sheath on the tail lengthens, the increased energy production of the sperm cell would impact bull fertility. In the results of this study, we found a positive correlation between the mitochondrial sheath length and the fertility rates of bulls, indicating that mitochondrial sheath structure influences fertility.