Using Trail Cameras to Study White-Tailed Deer Vigilance Behavior Within an Agroforestry Landscape
To understand how deer navigate and behave across agroforestry systems, 14 wildlife camera traps were installed within five natural (edge, open, wooded) or farmed (orchard, pasture) environments

Rituals: The Liminality of Death
Rituals creates a space that recalls traditional practices surrounding the death of a loved one.

Leaving Church, Learning Love: Experiences of Queer Women in Purity Culture
Evangelical Christian purity culture is a sexual ethic that emphasizes gender conformity, modest dress for girls and women, and the importance of maintaining “purity” or “virginity” until heterosexual marriage.

Evaluating Rainfall-Runoff Processes in Missouri Watersheds
Watershed simulation models are valuable tools to evaluate the impacts of changing weather patterns and land management on the hydrologic cycle.

Determining the Natural State of Origami folds with Machine Learning
Origami-inspired designs have found applications in several engineering domains, from aerospace to biomedical. These designs excel in applications that require lightweight, compact, and morphing structures such as the retracting wings of insects or the solar sails on satellites.