You must wish I was still broken,

Cracked…and slipping through your fingers.


You must loathe at the curve of my smile, now that it isn’t dependent on you.


The lies and deeds of this world don’t hold me captive anymore.

I said, your lies and your deeds…they don’t hold me captive anymore.


Do you know what freedom is?


My limits do not exist.

There is no box big enough to contain me.

The standards you hold are no longer enticing, nor do they apply.


Why does my confidence intimidate you?

You must have thought I’d be a project for forever. And now that I’m a masterpiece, you’re speechless.

You must wish I was still broken,

Cracked and slipping through your fingers.


Unfortunately for you, I’ve found my voice again.

I’ve even found a little extra force to put behind it.


Do you know what freedom feels like?


Why do you hesitate when it comes to me?

You told me I could never be captivating when you knew I already was.


So you are going to hear my voice.

You are going to experience my force.

You attempted to break me,

Instead you molded me into something unforgettable…and I hope you’re ready.


You applied pressure, now your diamond has arrived. Why do you hide yourself now?


Do you know how freedom flows?


I am no longer tied to you.

I can finally breathe.

Still I rise like the mountains you placed before me.

Still I am strong like the words you used to cut me.

Still I am bold like the things you did to defeat me,

I am no longer yours.


The lies and deeds of this world don’t hold me captive anymore.

I said, your lies and your deeds…they don’t hold me captive anymore.


Tyler Riley is a Senior at the University of Missouri majoring in Journalism.