Congratulations to Dr. Lannin and colleagues on their new grant

Furthering the CWP mission with a new NIH-SEPA Grant

Writing across the curriculum is not just important at MU but rather begins in the K12 curriculum. 

CWP Director Amy Lannin and colleagues, Dr. Delinda van Garderen in Special Education and Dr. William Folk in CAFNR and the School of Medicine, have received funding for another National Institutes of Health – SEPA grant.  Their new program, Linking Science, Mathematics, & Literacy for All Learners was recently described on the Show Me Mizzou site

Through this program, Lannin and a team of colleagues and graduate students work with middle school teachers to adapt and implement literacy practices to support students’ learning content, reading complex texts, and engaging in argumentation – all similar goals of writing intensive courses at MU.