Who Will Build the Better Ape?
We are trapped within what I call the Better Ape Fallacy Loop, in which like Frankowski's theoretical gorillas we continually enhance the traits that we consider to be most beneficial to our survival while ignoring the historical and scientific precedent stating that we simply do not know what will drive our further evolution.

Issue Brief – Alcohol Impaired Drivers
A review of current data on alcohol related auto accidents and recommendations for new policies.

Our Home Away From Home: Putting a Stop to College Campus Violence
Many factors such as gender roles, alcohol use and societal norms lead to violence on Mizzou’s campus. These crimes cause not only physical, but also emotional and mental damage to victims, and students are beginning to protest.

Reblogging: The Crocodile’s Bite – Russia’s “Meth Problem” And Drug Reform – Explicit
A gritty report on drug abuse in Russia.

Dove Chocolate: A Love Story
Ads can really only play off the ideas and emotions that are already present in the minds of the audience, even if they are just the seeds of a thought. It is also important to note that most of the effects of advertising are very subconscious—it inspires a thought, an impression seated deep within.

The drought came like a flood.

Emmy for Ethos
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is more than just a late-night talk show but rather an informational tool used to educate and entertain the population on matters of politics and media.

Growing up Through Food
I am sitting alone in my room and watching the 5th episode of “A Bite of China” (which translated literally means “China on the Tip of the Tongue”, Sun 2012), a documentary on China's great food culture which makes a big sensation these days. At the same time, today's supper, a cup of ramen noodles, is being cooked in the microwave oven.

The Evolution of Russian Media
As the structure of the Russian state continues to develop, the role that the press will play in such a state is also in flux.

Questions of Policy
Many of the pieces published in this issue invite readers to think deeply about questions of policy—which course of action should be pursued in a given set of circumstances?