A Feminist Critique: The Value of a Body
The poem, "The Bog Queen" by Seamus Heaney is one that, through rhetorical tools of personification, communicates the role of the female body in the later years. While the poem can be seen as a literal illustration of the decay of nature as a reflection of the influences of society’s wasteful actions toward natural resources, it is also a depiction of a society heavily dependent on women as objects of sexual desire.

The Bosom Serpent Legend Through History: How The Legend Changes To Address Modern Anxieties
Most Bosom Serpent legends begin in the same way: a person mysteriously becomes sick and complains that it feels like something is squirming around inside of them. Then, the patient goes to the doctor and explains that they believe a live animal is inside of them. The doctor does not believe the patient and sends them home.

Of Men and Martians: A Close Reading of a Cow Pea
I was really looking forward to going to the Food: Fact or Fiction exhibit at the Perlow-Stevens Art Gallery, and I was disappointed when the weather interfered with our class trip. This exhibit seemed like it might be a good place to find ideas regarding the Mizzou Advantage initiative of Food for the Future, so my friend and I decided to make our own excursion to the gallery one afternoon.

A Better One Mizzou: How Permaculture Can Change the Campus Climate
Walking into campus dining halls for a fulfilling dinner, college students usually have the following options: a hot dog, highly processed and covered in processed cheese substitute, a cheesy pasta with a side of grilled vegetables that are slimy and covered in oil, some frozen, mushy fruit, full of high fructose corn syrup, or a salad, complete with limp, browning lettuce, expired cucumbers and dirty celery sticks. Its no wonder that undergraduates are notorious for gaining the Freshman 15 in their first year of college, courtesy of all the times we chose the hot dog or pasta instead of a salad.

Failing to Make the Grade: How the School Lunch System is Falling Short of Its Purpose
With over 1/3 of the nations children overweight or obese according to the Center for Disease Control, concerns over what children are consuming have become ever more prevalent among parents across the United States. Serving over 32 million children a year, the lunch program certainly plays a large role in what our nations children consume on a daily basis.

Bend It Like Beckham and “Bending” the Rules
Bend It Like Beckham is primarily a film about soccer. However, because the protagonist is part of a traditional Indian family, food plays an important role in the film.

Essay Contest Winners!
The winners of our essay contest (sponsored by Mizzou Advantage) imagine new approaches to the ways we produce and consume food.

A Close Reading of Jarmusch’s Coffee and Cigarettes
Released in 2003, Jarmusch's Coffee and Cigarettes is a compilation of 11 vignettes that follow the conversations between two to three people as they discuss a variety of mostly insignificant subjects.

The Taiwan (Architectural) Miracle
In modern times, the ever-growing world population has caused the boom of giant cities with limited space, along with the rise of amazing places that are built to round in tourists. The allure to build and have the tallest building known to the world in ones country satisfies many needs of a blossoming city. The recent few record buildings have primarily been in Asia, and all have in some way influenced the other.

Fantastic Conflict in The Raven
The raven serves as the representation of the unreal because it is nothing more than an anthropomorphized version of the narrators subconscious despair. In this way, the poem consists of a pseudo-dialogue between the narrator and his own psychological echo.