Assessing Multilingual Writing

WAC: Closing Doors or Opening Doors for Second Language Writers?
Michelle Cox, Bridgewater State University

A review the literature on how English Language Learners (ELLs) were perceived by instructors and what their experiences were like in college writing courses. Cox summarizes the many struggles instructors face when assessing writing and designing assessments with ELLs in mind. This review calls for writing across the curriculum programs to more carefully consider their ELL student demographics, assessments, and learning activities. Also included are links to additional resources for using writing to learn activities with ELLs.

Conference on College Composition and Communication, January 2001, Revised November 2009, Reaffirmed November 2014, Revised May 2020.

This policy statement calls on colleges to adapt their instruction and programs to allow for consideration of second language students in their courses. With sections covering general guidelines for writing courses, programs and teacher preparation this policy document serves as a valuable resource when considering writing course design, assessment and activities. Finally the statement calls on the writing programs to carefully examine the unique characteristics of the local context of second language students through careful study and collaborations across institutions.

CCCC_Writing Assessment: A Position Statement
Conference on College Composition and Communication, November 2006 (revised March 2009, reaffirmed November 2014)

An assessment specific resource for instructors to consider their own purposes behind using assessments. This policy document outlines best practices when using writing assessments in the college classroom. It includes six guiding principles and example applications of these principles across teaching contexts.