Winholtz wins Win Horner Award
Being able to explain your work is a critical skill for any engineer, and Andy Winholtz’s efforts to instill it in Mizzou engineers recently earned him the Win Horner Award for Writing Intensive Teaching.
Meating Expectations: Challenges of Meat Production and a Growing Population
As the human population grows, the task of producing enough food for everyone becomes increasingly difficult; by 2050 we will need to produce enough food for 2 million more people. To meet current food demands, an industrialized agricultural system has been created including concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Concentrated animal feeding operations make it possible…
Siren: Based On The Painting “Nocturne”
Black. White. You can’t seem to have one without the other. It is their contrast that brings out their beauty. Clouds on a spring afternoon, the dandelions in the pasture out back, the warm milk Ma brings us before bed. White has always been a sign of comfort and beauty in my eyes. …
Can You Hear Me Now?
Modern technology and media have changed how we communicate with one another as human beings. Where does our need for intimacy fit into this new communication formula? This essay analyzes how romantic relationships and digital intimacy function – particularly in the context long-distance and military relationships. It begs the question of how our connections have…
Dogs In The Laundry Room: Mental Health Treatment in Humans and Animals
I rarely think of the tornado. Sometimes, I forget it happened and am reminded by something small: a drizzling rain, the smell of the air in May, Pizza Rolls, a map of Oklahoma, barn swallows. Sometimes I tear my bedroom apart in search of some long-lost possession only to remember that I have not seen…
Nature of the Beast
I’ve always been a glutton; there’s no denying that. I’ve always licked my plate clean, not out of obligation to use what I’ve been given, but to bring about a bliss that only eating can elicit. While I tear through a steak, snap into a carrot, or chew up a turnip, I feel as if…
Multilingual Writers at Mizzou
This website was set up as a campus-wide initiative, facilitated by the CWP, to support multilingual writing at the University of Missouri. The information contained here includes campus writing resources, recommended teaching practices to support ESL/Multilingual writing, and writing resources for all students.
From Colombia to Columbia
Lina Trigos-Carrillo moved from the country of Colombia to the town of Columbia, Missouri, to continue her studies in language, education and writing. Now, seven years later, she prepares to return to Colombia having accomplished more than she could have expected.
Writing Center Launches NEW Online Writery
The Writing Center has launched a NEW Online Writery named, TONY, for spring 2018. On the new site you will find a one-stop shop for all things Writing Center related. Students can submit drafts, schedule and cancel appointments, and review all prior tutoring interactions with the Writing Center. From Aaron Harms, Director of the Writing…
Writing Accolades
Since 2008, the CWP has provided students the chance to have their work published in Artifacts, a refereed journal of undergraduate writing at Mizzou.