News - Page 23, Page 23

Emmy for Ethos

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is more than just a late-night talk show but rather an informational tool used to educate and entertain the population on matters of politics and media.

Growing up Through Food

I am sitting alone in my room and watching the 5th episode of “A Bite of China” (which translated literally means “China on the Tip of the Tongue”, Sun 2012), a documentary on China's great food culture which makes a big sensation these days. At the same time, today's supper, a cup of ramen noodles, is being cooked in the microwave oven.

The Evolution of Russian Media

As the structure of the Russian state continues to develop, the role that the press will play in such a state is also in flux.

Questions of Policy

Many of the pieces published in this issue invite readers to think deeply about questions of policy—which course of action should be pursued in a given set of circumstances?

A Feminist Critique: The Value of a Body

The poem, "The Bog Queen" by Seamus Heaney is one that, through rhetorical tools of personification, communicates the role of the female body in the later years. While the poem can be seen as a literal illustration of the decay of nature as a reflection of the influences of society’s wasteful actions toward natural resources, it is also a depiction of a society heavily dependent on women as objects of sexual desire.

The Bosom Serpent Legend Through History: How The Legend Changes To Address Modern Anxieties

Most Bosom Serpent legends begin in the same way: a person mysteriously becomes sick and complains that it feels like something is squirming around inside of them. Then, the patient goes to the doctor and explains that they believe a live animal is inside of them. The doctor does not believe the patient and sends them home.

Shawna Strickland Carries MU Experiences Into New Role

After eight years with the University of Missouri’s Respiratory Therapy program, Shawna Strickland will leave Mizzou later this month for a position with the American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC), which is the national professional society for respiratory therapy. Taking over as the associate executive director of education at AARC, she will direct the continuing…

Win Horner Award For Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching

The Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching recognizes faculty who are starting out with a new WI course or taking a new direction with their WI teaching.  Because Dr. Horner was a pioneer in Writing Program work, and in the formation of the Campus Writing Program, this award is a recognition of faculty who demonstrate that same spirit…

New WI Course for Spring 2013: Social Aspects of Fishing

Need a Writing Intensive Class For Spring? Social Aspects of Fishing Taught by Dr. Mark Morgan, Parks, Recreation & Tourism & Jennah Sontag, M.S., School of Journalism A team of undergraduate writers are needed to organize and edit a collection of fishing stories by Missouri anglers—culminating in the publication of a book. Funded by the…

Of Men and Martians: A Close Reading of a Cow Pea

I was really looking forward to going to the “Food: Fact or Fiction” exhibit at the Perlow-Stevens Art Gallery, and I was disappointed when the weather interfered with our class trip. This exhibit seemed like it might be a good place to find ideas regarding the Mizzou Advantage initiative of “Food for the Future,” so my friend and I decided to make our own excursion to the gallery one afternoon.