Fall 2025 WI Course List

The most accurate listing of Writing Intensive courses will be in MyZou. Some courses are in the final stage of approval and may not yet be listed in MyZou.  If you have questions contact us: cwp@missouri.edu

General Education Key:
BEHSCI = Behavioral Science
BIOSCI = Biological Science
HUM = Humanities
SOCSCI = Social Science

**Don’t forget that if you complete 4 WI courses, you could qualify for the Writing Intensive Certificate. Look for more information here: Writing Intensive Certificate

Course NumberCourse TitleGenEdInstructor Name
ABM 4971WAgribusiness Management StrategySveum,Matthew
AGSC_COM 3210WFundamentals of CommunicationHUMWhite, Shayne
AN_SCI 4976WDairy ProductionMcFadden, Thomas
AN_SCI 4978WSwine ProductionSafranski,Timothy
ANTHRO 4990WCapstone Seminar in AnthropologyPanchanathan, Karthik
ARH_VS 3630WNorthern Renaissance ArtHUMStanton, Anne
ARH_VS 3820WIntroduction to Visual CultureHUMSchwain, Kristin
BIO_SC 3260WInvertebrate ZoologySummers, Gerald
BIO_SC 4972WDevelopmental BiologyCornelison, Dawn
BIO_SC 4994WSenior Seminar – Writing intensiveBergstralh, Daniel
BIOCHM 4974WBiochemistry LaboratoryMehra-Chaudhary,Ritcha
BIOL_EN 4980WBioengineering Design IDarr,Charles
BL_STU 4804WHistorical Studies of Black WomenHUMAtuhura, Dorothy
CH_ENG 3243WChemical Engineering Laboratory I – Writing IntensiveXing, Yangchuan
CH_ENG 4980WProcess Synthesis and Design – Writing IntensiveChristensen, Scott
CHINSE 3400WNegotiating Chinese CultureHUMVolz,Michael
CMP_SC 4970WSenior Capstone Design IMcKenzie, Gary
COMMUN 3575WBusiness and Professional Communication – Writing IntensiveLuisi, Timothy
COMMUN 4420HWCommunicating Research and ScholarshipSOCSCILannin, Amy
CV_ENG 3010WDecision Methods for Civil Engineering DesignFidalgo,Maria
CV_ENG 4980WCivil Engineering Systems DesignBrown, Henry
DMU 4008WWriting for Health ScienceSharrock, Dee
DST_VS 3880WWriting and Theory for Digital MediaHUMPotter,Nick
ECE 4960WSenior Capstone Design IFischer, James
ECONOM 3367WLaw and EconomicsHazel, Robert
ECONOM 4004WTopics in Economics-Social ScienceSOCSCIMayes-Denker, Kelli
ECONOM 4315WPublic EconomicsAura,Saku
ED_LPA 4975WEducational Studies Senior CapstoneScheese, Lisa
ENGLSH 3400WSurvey of African American Literature, Beginnings to 1900HUMHoberek, Andrew
ENGLSH 4206WEarly Medieval LIterature (formerly Anglo-Saxon Literature)HUMKramer, Johanna
ENGLSH 4970WCapstone ExperienceHayes, Rebecca
ENGLSH 4995WHonors Seminar in EnglishHUMKarian, Stephen
ENV_SC 4400WEnvironmental Law, Policy, and JusticeSOCSCIRotman,Robin
F_S 4970WFood Product DevelopmentClarke, Andrew
F_W 4600WEcosystem ManagementHalsey,Samniqueka
FILMS_VS 3820WMajor DirectorsHUMWise, Ramsay
FINPLN 4380WAssessing the American DreamSOCSCISharpe, Deanna
GD_VS 4976WDesign – Senior SeminarHuelsbergen, Deborah
GEOG 3560WNative American GeographiesHUM SOCSCIPalmer,Mark
GEOG 4620WBiogeography: Global Patterns of LifePHYS SCIElliott,Grant
GERMAN 2310WGerman Civilization I: Barbarians, Valkyries, Knights, PoetsHUMIreton,Sean
German 2510HW/WThe Cultural History of Germans in the MidwestHUMHowes, William
GERMAN 3520WFolk and Fairytales in a Global ContextHUMFischer, Monika
GN_HON 2015HWTheory and Practice of Tutoring Writing SeminarHUMHarms, Aaron
H_D_FS 2400WPrinciples of Human DevelopmentBEHSCILester,Ashlie
H_D_FS 2400WPrinciples of Human DevelopmentBEHSCIWybrant,Stephanie
H_D_FS 3090HWResearch Experience in Human Development and Family ScienceBEHSCINielsen, Rachel
H_D_FS 3150WChild Development: Preschool to Pre-Adolescence – Writing IntensiveRavert, Russell
HIST 2590WEpidemics and SocietySOCSCIBowers, Kristy
HIST 4971WUndergraduate Seminar in European HistoryFrymire,John
HLTH_SCI 4200HW/WIntroduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveFenton, Rebbecca
HLTH_SCI 4200WIntroduction to the Health Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveAllen, Chenoa
HLTH_SCI 4200WIntroduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveBaker, Molly
HLTH_SCI 4200WIntroduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveChoi, Hye Jeong
HLTH_SCI 4200WIntroduction to the Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveHosey, Jessica
HLTH_SCI 4200WIntroduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveKim, Min
HLTH_SCI 4200WIntroduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveMoxley, David
HLTH_SCI 4200WIntroduction to The Research Process and Evidence Base – Writing IntensiveSayers, Stephen
HLTH_SCI 4480WClinical EthicsEdwards, Anika
HSP_MGMT 4780WAdvanced Hospitality ManagementAlexander,Amanda
INFOTC 2650WCommunication and Analytical Writing for EngineersMaurer, Gillian
INFOTC 4970WSenior Capstone Design IMaurer, Gillian
ISE 3810WErgonomics and Workstation DesignKim, Jung
ISE 4970WCapstone Design INoble, James
ISE 4980WCapstone Design IINoble, James
JOURN 1300WFundamentals of Written Journalism and Strategic CommunicationHUMJohnston, Laura
JOURN 4242WStrategic Communication LeadershipBEHSCIWillett, Justin
JOURN 4244WCreating Cultures Through Effective Strategic Communication and LeadershipFarnen, Eleanor
JOURN 4416WScience Writing for Journalism and Strategic CommunicationHiles,Sara
JOURN 4418WCritical ReviewingHeiss,Andrea
JOURN 4970WStrategic CampaignsStemmle, Jonathan
LG_LT_C 3510HW/WThink Global: Fundamentals of Globalization and Digital TechnologiesSOSCI
Fischer, Monika
LTC 4410WTeaching, Engaging and Assessing Middle-Level StudentsWightman, Stephanie
LTC 4560WReading and Writing in the Content AreasGoldsmith, Christy*
MAE 2200WEngineering MaterialsWinholtz, Robert
MAE 4980WSenior Capstone DesignPoehlman, Michael
MANGMT 3000HWPrinciples of ManagementBreske, Shannon
MANGMT 3000WPrinciples of ManagementFram, Kelli
MANGMT 3000WPrinciples of ManagementMcCullough, Christie
MANGMT 4140WBusiness Communication – Writing IntensiveWurtz, Stephanie
MIL_SC 3250WLeadership and ManagementBaranello, Nicholas
MUS_EDUC 4144WTeaching Music IIIAdams, Kari
MUS_EDUC 4144WTeaching Music IIISilvey,Brian
MUS_H_LI 4315WHistorical Studies in Chamber MusicMabary, Judith
MUS_THRY 4224WCounterpointLea,Peter
MUSIC_NM 2306HWPerceiving Musical Traditions and StylesHUMStrini,Thomas
NEP 1310WFood and Cultures of the World – Writing IntensiveHUMSafaii, SeAnne
NEP 3850WPhysiology of ExerciseKanaley,Jill
NUCMED 4268WClinical Nuclear Medicine IIGalen,Jeff
NURSE 4210WNursing Ethics – Writing IntensiveMcCormick, Casey
NURSE 4980HW/WNursing in CommunitiesShahan, Morgan
OC_THR 3130WFundamentals of Activity Analysis – Writing IntensiveShea Lemoins, Samantha
PEA_ST 1050WIntroduction to Peace StudiesSOSCIFett, Anna
PEA_ST 2182WCritical Dialogues: Nonviolence in Peace/Democracy MovementsBEHSCILo,Clarence
PHIL 3000WAncient Western PhilosophyHUMHeckel,Marta
PHYSCS 3150WIntroduction to Modern PhysicsCassidy, Christopher (Keith)
PLNT_SCI 3210WPrinciples of Weed ScienceSmeda,Reid
PLNT_SCI 3222WRetail Floral ManagementCravens,Lesleighan
POL_SC 4220WThe United States Supreme CourtSOCSCIHorner, William
POL_SC_3000WIntroduction to Political ResearchEndersby, James
PORT 3360WSoccer in Latin American Culture, Literature and FilmHUMDraper, Jack
PRST 3215WProgram and Event DevelopmentWentz,Jennifer
PSYCH 4971WDevelopmental Psychology Capstone – Writing IntensiveVanMarle, Kristy
PSYCH 4973WHuman Cognition CapstoneNaveh-Benjamin,Moshe
PSYCH 4976HW/WHonors Research Capstone I – Honors/Writing IntensiveCampione-Barr,Nicole
PSYCH 4978WClinical Psychology CapstoneWaller, Erika
PSYCH 4987WCross-Cultural Psychology CapstoneFlores,Lisa
PSYCH 4992WApplied Cognitive Psychology CapstoneBauer, Lisa
REL_ST 2630WHistory of Christian TraditionsHUM
REL_ST 3619WReligion and Race in the U.S.HUMMcLaughlin, Michael
RUSS 4880WEnvironment and Empire in Russian and EurasiaHUMLangen, Timothy
SOC_WK 2000WExploration in Social and Economic JusticeBEHSCIPeters,Clark
SOC_WK 4970WSenior Professional SeminarBowman,Tiffany
SOC_WK 4970WSenior Professional SeminarFreelin, Tammy
SOCIOL 2150WAmish CommunitiesBEHSCI HUMBrock, Caroline
SOCIOL 3460WTechnology and SocietySOCSCIBrock,Caroline
SPAN 3420WIntroduction to Hispanic Literature IHUMAviles Quinones, Alicia
SPAN 3430WIntroduction to Hispanic Literature IIHUMBadiane,Mamadou
T_A_M 2520WHistory of Western DressSOCSCI HUMJohnston,Nicole
T_A_M 2600HW/WMoral and Ethical Issues in the Global Fashion Supply ChainSOCSCIMestres, Jaime
THEATR 3920WIntermediate PlaywritingHUMCrespy, David
V_PBIO 3900WBeneficial MicrobesCalcutt, Michael
VET_TCH 4600WLeadership and Communication for Veterinary TechniciansMorgan,Jamie
WGST 3450WFeminist MethodologiesBEHSCIReeder,Linda

Last updated 3/3/25 JAB