News, Page 9

Louise Miller Earns First Win Horner Award

Louise Miller, a professor in MU’s Sinclair School of Nursing, calls winning the Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive (WI) Teaching “a pinnacle of her career.” MU’s Campus Writing Program created the award this year to honor Horner, who is a known nationally as a pioneer in writing across the curriculum. Horner chaired the task…

Mizzou Honors Outstanding Writing Intensive Teaching

Six MU faculty members were presented with the 2013 Writing Intensive Excellence Awards in recognition of their efforts in promoting writing across the curriculum. This year’s awardees were Bill Horner (political science), Mario Pennella (biochemistry), Benyamin Schwarz (architectural studies), Brian Silvey (music), Haskell Taub (physics) and Michelle Teti (health sciences). “We have very committed faculty…

Shawna Strickland Carries MU Experiences Into New Role

After eight years with the University of Missouri’s Respiratory Therapy program, Shawna Strickland will leave Mizzou later this month for a position with the American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC), which is the national professional society for respiratory therapy. Taking over as the associate executive director of education at AARC, she will direct the continuing…

Win Horner Award For Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching

The Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching recognizes faculty who are starting out with a new WI course or taking a new direction with their WI teaching.  Because Dr. Horner was a pioneer in Writing Program work, and in the formation of the Campus Writing Program, this award is a recognition of faculty who demonstrate that same spirit…

New WI Course for Spring 2013: Social Aspects of Fishing

Need a Writing Intensive Class For Spring? Social Aspects of Fishing Taught by Dr. Mark Morgan, Parks, Recreation & Tourism & Jennah Sontag, M.S., School of Journalism A team of undergraduate writers are needed to organize and edit a collection of fishing stories by Missouri anglers—culminating in the publication of a book. Funded by the…

Welcome To Spring Semester 2012

Welcome Back MU Faculty and Students! The staff at the Campus Writing Program kicked off the semester by holding several events in January before classes even started! Thank you to everyone who came back to campus early to participate in one or more of these events. We held a 2-Day Writing Retreat on January 5th…