Writing Intensive Awards 2025

Write at the Conley House


Redefining Rigor: Strategies for Deepening Student Engagement in Writing
February 25, 2025 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. Virtual workshop Facilitators: Julie Birt and Christy Goldsmith In this virtual workshop, we will help you navigate the challenges of maintaining (or even increasing) the rigor of your class while also accounting for students’ interests and challenges, especially in the post-covid and GenAI era. By reconsidering the role…

Efficient Methods for Grading & Feedback (to save time and agony!)
Tuesday, February 4th 11:30 am - Noon In this 30-minute virtual workshop, Dr. Christy Goldsmith, Associate Director of the Campus Writing Program, will walk us through quick feedback strategies designed to check for learning and help apprentice students into disciplinary writing tasks. Click here to register! After registering, you will receive a calendar invitation with…

Virtual Writing Intensive Faculty Workshop
The Campus Writing Program is pleased to offer the WI Faculty Workshop virtually on January 14, 2025 from 9 am to 12 pm. Register Here! Are you interested in teaching with writing without drowning in the challenges of grading and extra work? This virtual workshop will include interactive sessions on the following topics, and more!-…

Workshop on Peer Review
Join Dr. Christy Goldsmith, Associate Director of the Campus Writing Program, for a brief yet impactful workshop on Practical Strategies for Peer Review in the WI Classroom on Tuesday, October 29, from 11:00-11:30 a.m. via Zoom. In this session, Dr. Goldsmith will share essential techniques for providing effective feedback without overwhelming writers. Please sign up here. After…

Writing Matters: Motivating Students in an AI-Enhanced World
September 11, 2024 1:00-1:30 p.m. via Zoom Join the Campus Writing Program's Assistant Director, Dr. Julie Birt for a virtual workshop focused on students' writing in WI courses in this age of Artificial Intelligence. In this short workshop, we will explore evidence-based ways for you to motivate your writing intensive students. Motivated students rarely struggle…

Grad Students’ Learn & Write Series
The Campus Writing Program is excited to join with the Writing Center and Mizzou Libraries to offer a Learn & Write series for graduate students this fall. Each session will run from 9 am to noon. We will begin with a brief program specific to graduate and academic writing, and then we will invite participants to write in the…

AI in WI Workshops
Dr. Christy Goldsmith, CWP's Associate Director, is offering one more AI in WI workshop this fall. Click the date below to find out more and to register! AI in WI #3: Teaching Writing with ChatGPT October 15, 2024