News, Page 2

This book was completed during a CWP Summer Writing Retreat! 

Congratulations to Dr. Claire Horisk, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Writing Intensive instructor, who just published Dangerous Jokes: How Racism and Sexism Weaponize Humor with Oxford University Press. In 2019, when she was developing the ideas she explores more deeply in her new book, Dr. Horisk serendipitously met Dr. Christy Goldsmith, Campus Writing Program Associate Director, at…

Join us for the National Day on Writing on October 18!

Come by Lowry Mall between 10 am and 2 pm to celebrate writing in all its forms. Write a poem, tweet #WhyIWrite, or tell a #MizzouMade story and grab a snack and cup of coffee. Sponsored by the Composition Program, the Writing Center, and the Campus Writing Program. Join us to #WriteSomething!

Writing Intensive Award Winners!

Congratulations to all of our 2023-2024 Writing Intensive award winners. We had so many wonderful submissions for these awards this year. It was a pleasure to read about the innovative and incredible teaching of WI courses being done. Click this block to read more about each of our winners! Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing…

ChatGPT and Your WI Classroom

As ChatGPT and other AI writing tools evolve, a focus on the connection between writing and learning becomes even more crucial. To help combat misuse, CWP encourages instructors to highlight the ways that writing is a vehicle for learning content to establish a culture of academic integrity that prioritizes critical thinking.

2023 Writing Intensive Teaching Excellence Awards

The Campus Writing Program is proud to recognize the recipients of the Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching and the Writing Intensive Teaching Excellence Awards.  These award recipients have made outstanding contributions to writing for learning in their face-to-face and online classrooms this year.

Initiative to Lower Student-to-Faculty Ratio in WI courses

In December 2021, CWP began working with the Office of the Provost to explore ways to support a lower student-to-faculty ratio in Writing Intensive courses. If you have courses that can meet the enrollment cap of 19, please send us a note of commitment and explain what is needed for this to happen.

White Paper: Addressing Complexity in Writing Intensive Course Assignments

A central tenet of the WI courses at our university is the inclusion of “at least one writing assignment addressing a question for which there is more than one acceptable interpretation, explanation, analysis, or evaluation.” To interrogate how this element emerges in writing assignments, we designed a research study based on data from 300+ WI course proposals.  As we worked through our analysis, we asked the following question: How do WI assignments engage students in the complexity of their disciplines?

Write up the Road

At the University of Missouri, excellence is among the values that guide students, staff and faculty alike. To help Tigers continue to excel, the Campus Writing Program (CWP) recently hosted a retreat in nearby Rocheport. The two-day, overnight program allowed 19 faculty, staff and graduate students to network and dive into their writing — free from distractions.

2022 Writing Intensive Teaching Excellence Awards

The Campus Writing Program is proud to recognize the recipients of the Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching and the Writing Intensive Teaching Excellence Awards.

(Book Review) On Revision: The Only Writing that Counts by William Germano

This book about revision was given to me at the perfect time. It really resonated with me when Germano described “the writing that works best feels as if it contains all the parts that are necessary and none that aren’t” (p15).