News, Page 8

CWP Presenting at Celebration of Teaching May 20, 2014

Preconference workshops require advanced reservation to attend. Seat reservations are made during registration. Workshops that are full have a waiting list. Each cancellation will be filled with the next person on the waiting list. Preconference Workshops Continental breakfast at 8:30 am for preconference participants. Teaching Writing Intensive Courses: Why Should You Do It? How Should You…

Campus Writing Program Honors Outstanding Writing Intensive Teaching

On April 18, 2014, the Campus Writing Program was honored to present eight MU faculty members with a 2014 Writing Intensive Excellence Award in recognition of their efforts in promoting writing across the curriculum.  This year’s awardees were Goodie Bhullar (MU Libraries), Deborah Huelsbergen, Ric Wilson and Jean Brueggenjohann (Art), Mary Jo Muratore (Romance Languages…

Engineering Professor Earns Win Horner Award

James Noble learned the value of revision and peer review early in his academic career. That has motivated him to help his students learn the same writing lessons. Noble, a professor of industrial and manufacturing system engineering at MU, has been named the recipient of the 2014 Win Horner Award for Innovative Writing Intensive Teaching. MU’s…

Subject Librarians Help Students with Writing Assignments

Do you know your subject librarian? Each academic department or program is assigned a subject librarian. These experts in information seeking, research methods, and scholarly communication support writing instruction in several ways: Customized group instruction on how to find, evaluate, and use information sources Individual consultations (RAP: Research Assistance Program) Online course guides, tailored to specific assignments…

Chemistry Professor Embraces the Science of Writing

Rainer Glaser sits at a table in his office hunched over a picture frame. He stares at the frame, contemplating the two large words enclosed by the shiny glass and sturdy wood: Docendo Discimus. “By teaching, we learn,” Glaser says, translating the Latin phrase. “It was said by the Roman Seneca and I think this is…

Syllabus Tips

In preparing your syllabus for the semester, we offer the following as information that would be good to include and (even better) to discuss with your students.  Feel free to take, use, and adapt. Student Learning Goals:  Through this Writing Intensive (WI) course, students will think more critically as they use writing as a tool…

Call For Proposals – Writing Intensive Faculty Development Award

Call for Proposals for Writing Intensive Faculty Development Award The Campus Writing Board encourages faculty and departments to submit proposals to fund Writing Intensive-related special projects or initiatives such as new pilot WI courses and curriculum development and instruction which do not currently receive WI funding support or receive inadequate support to attempt new course…

Hook, Line, & Sinker Published!

Hook, Line, and Sinker: A Collection of Fish Tales from Missouri Anglers, has been published! It's so exciting to see Dr. Mark Morgan's Faculty Development Award published in full! See the original story behind Hook, Line, and Sinker at Mizzou Wire's "Fish Story." Order Hook, Line, and Sinker: A Collection of Fish Tales from Missouri Anglers from the MU Bookstore just in time…

New Members Appointed to Campus Writing Board

The Campus Writing Board has been named for the 2013-14 academic year and includes seven new members. The campus-wide faculty committee is authorized to set Campus Writing Program policy and approve courses as Writing Intensive (WI). Members of the board ensure the integrity of Mizzou’s Writing Intensive courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. New board members for…

Artifacts Managing Editor Awarded Dissertation Fellowship

Naomi Clark’s long-term professional goal is to get into an administrative role with a writing program. For now, she is focused on completing graduate school, which will be aided by a dissertation fellowship awarded to her by the American Association of University Women (AAUW). A graduate research assistant for MU’s Campus Writing Program, Clark is…